Over these past couple of months in this course, the way my company has been using social media has shifted a bit but has definitely increased in usage. We went from using one social media platform to using 3 platforms and 2 other social tools such as Google My Business. We also went from posting whenever to about 2 times per week and compiling schedules for a detailed plan of what marketing strategy and posts we will be doing over the coming months. Our use for social media has changed dramatically and fundamentally, we hope to keep these changes in place for a very long time to ensure the development of a strong social presence of our company and the ones that will stem from it.
With these changes, we haven't seen much of an impact but currently, that is not our goal with the use of social media. Our current goal with social media is to grow our brand presence and get as many people to see our company and start following. With time the right people will find our socials and potential work with us, we don't expect this to happen right away but hopefully, over the next months to a year, we will have built a strong social presence that has a nice size reach that can potentially provide us, new clients. We will also benefit from using other social media platforms as well as paid advertising on social media which to date we have not yet done, that is another potential reach that could be quite lucrative.
Through this course, I have changed the way I use and the platforms to use for social, which effectively has changed the way I view social media. I have always known that social is an important part of marketing and developing a presence for a company, however, knowing that it was very hard for me before this class to do that work and create content. The main reason is that you do not see results right away which can be a bit discouraging. Now being in this class it has helped to want to work harder on developing a social presence strategy to build our presence on different platforms. Overall this class has helped me to view social media as a long-term strategy that will pay off in the future and build relationships with customers/clients or future/potential clients.
This class has helped me to better understand social media as a platform and all the features that many platforms have to offer businesses to advertise and promote their brands. Just understanding how the platforms work and the tools that are available are not enough to create a strong presence and business using social media. In order to successfully use social media to help develop and grow a business, you must create strategies for social media and implement them effectively. That is why social media is beneficial for business but without that, it can be a waste of time, which would be counter-effective for you or your business.
Many businesses that are similar to mine are using social media to their advantage, and many other companies that are not similar use social media very effectively for their businesses. A few businesses that are similar to mine in our area were using Instagram and Facebook pretty constantly to show their potential clients what they can do for them, some of their posts were quite impressive. I didn't see similar businesses use all of the same platforms that we are going to start to loolk to use such as LinkedIn or Twitter, we will be starting to use those two platforms as well as Instagram and Facebook.
Overall, this course has helped me to learn more in depth the uses of social media. Also learned the importance of using tools that social media offers as well as other tools that are important to improve your companies brand. This will take time and thorough work in researching what will work best for the company you are representing. If done properly it can be a great benefit to the company's marketing strategy. I look forward to implementing everything I have learned over this course into my own business to excel our marketing.
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