Week 7 Part A: Get Visual with Instagram

Currently, my Instagram account for my business has 25 followers. I mainly do photos and videos, with some IGTV, mainly if a video I upload is too long. I think that videos are much more effective in showing our work although we do offer stills as well videos attract more people to see your posts. Currently, I do not post a lot, I hope this class helps me get into a routine of posting more frequently. I already have about 2 posts scheduled to go out this week and next week and plan to get more ready. The hashtags we mainly use are real estate-related and sometimes a few special types of equipment that we use that are becoming popular and people are starting to know. Some examples are  (#realty #realtor #realestate #listing #MLS #realestatephotography #northcountyrealestate #carlsbadrealestate #northcountyphotography #carlsbadphotography #milliondollarlisting #housing #home #homeforsale #vistarealestate #oceansiderealestate #3DTours #Virtualtours #matterport) We mainly follow real estate agents which we can consider as a business, and pretty much everyone we follow is an agent so about 61 "business".


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