Week 13 PartB: Developing Online Advertising
These two are the same ad, just in different locations, one is on Facebook and the other is on Instagram Stories. My target audience is 18-65+ whose job title is a Real Estate Agent/Broker within an 18-mile radius of Vista, CA. This gives me right around 1000 or so people that fit my audience. With $35 for 7 days can potentially reach 37-112 people per day. If I can get about 1% to book a shoot that will be amazing, preferably close 10 bookings would be great, however, if I only get 5 that could possibly be a 21-71 times ROI depending on what services they book.
These are my two other ads that I was able to create, the wording is pretty similar. It's to the point and gets the point across. The photos are different but still appealing, which is what will be appealing to my potential clients. I think it might be possible to also have posts with a Matterport Virtual tour that people can interact with on Facebook, which would be something that I want to look into as that could be very appealing. Also creating a very professional video show casing our content mixed with our services for people to see what we offer. Those are some ideas I have for future ads, but that would take a bit more time to get started and set in motion.
Each post uses a different objective however the root objective is still the same which is to get new clients to contact me. The first ad is using a form, where they can put their info and we can get in touch with them. The second ad is making them like our page which then we can get in contact with them that way. The third ad has them send us a message and from there see how we can be of service to them.
Send Message and Get Leads are the best objectives for my company as the whole goal with social media marketing is to obtain new clients which then we can sell to and have them use our services. Send Message gives them an easy way for them to get in contact with us, and Get Leads provides us with the contact info that we need to get in contact with them and from there see what we can work with.
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